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Syntax of global parameters

Parameter Allowed values Default value Description
Subsection Globals
Clients Integer 1 Amount of virtual clients.
Requests Integer 50 How many times the main Test sequence [TestSeq] will be executed
Server String (host) Localhost Name (or IP) of the server being tested.
Uri String / Default URI (can be redefined in specific requests).
Port Integer 80/443 Port number of the tested application. Defaults to 80 for HTTP and to 443 for HTTPS (secure connections).
Method GET/POST GET Default HTTP request method (can be redefined in specific requests).
Timeout Integer 30 Maximal time that Testing Master will wait for a response to a single request before dropping (seconds)
Delay Integer 0 Delay inserted after each subsequent request (milliseconds).
Keepalive Yes/No No Triggers the use of keep-alive requests.
Secure Yes/No No Triggers the use of HTTPS (secure connection).
Httpver 1.1 or 1 1 HTTP version used by virtual clients.
Delaystart Integer 0 Delay time between the start of subsequent virtual clients. By default the server load with a great amount of virtual clients will rise quickly, but not abruptly. If we set this parameter to zero, all virtual clients will be launched exactly at the same time.
Softdelay Yes/No No Triggers a special mode of using the Delay: instead of pure Delay, the value of (Delay total_request_time) will be used. This mode allows to provide a more even server load.
Proxy String (host:port) <empty> Address (or IP) and port of the external proxy server.
Proxynocache Yes/No No Triggers the use of the external proxy cache
Maxrequests Integer 0 Sets the limit for total amount of requests issued by all virtual clients. If this limit is reached, all clients will be shut down (in no dependence with the amount of requests issued by each separate client ). Zero = disabled.
Nowait Yes/No No Disable the timeout check. Allows to provide massive server loads using a single client computer. Consequently, can lead to hang-up of individual virtual clients.
Subsection Scripting
Script   N/A The name of the file with script More details in the Scripting section.
Endofscript   [/script] The sequence of characters indicating the end of a script
Subsection Runtime
Proxyemulation Yes/No No Adds the fields emulating access of multiple clients via a proxy (X-Forwarded-For) to the HTTP requests. Useful for emulating user activities from different IPs›.
Proxymask String (IP address) 192.168.$C2.$C1 IP mask used by proxyemulation. Allowed meta-numbers:
$C1 – low byte of the virtual client number.
$C2 – high byte of the virtual client number.
$R1 – low byte of the request number.
$R2 – high byte of the request number.
All values span from 1 to 254.
To emulate a new IP for each request, you can set the mask as follows:
If the amount of requests exceeds 64262, the numbers of $Rx will obviously be repeated.
You can use a static number instead of the default $C2 if the number of clients does not exceed 253.
Maxtime Integer 0 The maximal time for the test run (seconds). A Test script will run until all requests are completed or its running time exceeds Maxtime. Zero = disabled.
Abortseq Yes/No No Selects whether to abort the running sequence if Maxtime is reached or to wait for its normal termination.
Noredir Yes/No No Triggers processing of redirects. By default, Testing Master processes redirects – i.e. if the response to some request contains a redirect, Testing Master will make a respective request. The total of all redirects for the initial request will be accounted as the response time. If a redirect results in an error, the whole request will be accounted as failed.
Ignoreerrors Yes/No No Triggers whether to abort the sequence upon obtaining errors. Useful when running “negative” test, when an error is the expected result.
Subsection Output
Outfile String %n-%s-%cx%r.xls The filename to write the summary results and statistics to. The resulting Tab-separated files are suitable for immediate work with MS Excel.
%n – project name
%s – server name (see server above)
%c – virtual client number
%r – amount of requests per client (see requests above)
Log Yes/No No Triggers whether to write detailed log files (including all the requests and resulting server responses). A separate log file is created for each virtual client
Showbadresults Yes/No Yes Triggers whether to list the requests which resulted in errors to the summary file.
Httperrorsymbol String(8) HTTPERR A string indicating HTTP protocol errors (400, 500, 404, 403 etc.) written into the summary file instead of response times.
Socketerrorsymbol String(8) NETERR A string indicating network (socket) errors (written into the summary file instead of response times).
Failerrorsymbol String(8) FAIL A string indicating that the $fail error condition was obtained (written into the summary file instead of response times).
Timeouterrorsymbol String(8) T/O A string indicating that a request timeout occurred (written into the summary file instead of response times).
Reportinfo Yes/No No Triggers whether to include detailed test info into the summary file (amount of clients and requests, the username and workstation name of the client computer, projectname and description if set).
Projectname String <empty> Project name used by reportinfo
Description String <empty> Test description used by reportinfo
Round Integer 10 Sets the rounding limits. Zero = no rounding (minimum detected value = 0.01 mS).
Timestamp Yes/No No Triggers writing the times of starting and finishing of each test sequence to the summary file.
Sumredirecttime Yes/No Yes Triggers totaling of request times for redirects
Nodetails Yes/No No Switch on/off writing details for individual requests in the summary file.
Printdate Yes/No No Triggers whether to print the test date/time to the summary file.
Appendresult Yes/No No Triggers whether to append results (logs, summaries) to existing files with same names, or to erase existing files and start new ones.
Summarytimes Yes/No Yes Triggers printing of overall statistics in the summary file.
Exacttiminginterval Integer 1000 Time (in milliseconds) required for proper estimation of summarytimes. During this period ALL virtual clients should be active.
Locale String <system default> International settings for results output (date, time and delimiters format). To obtain a comma (“,”) as the decimal delimiter, set one of the appropriate locales (e.g. Russian)

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