Benchmark testing
The idea of website benchmark testing is to quickly get an impression about your website performance against your competitors. During benchmark testing your website is compared to other similar websites in the Internet of the same industry. This approach gives you an unbiased view of your website performance and reveals places where it can be improved.
In benchmark testing the performance is usually measured in terms of load time, speed and availability. Each benchmark test is done in several conditions: with different website load, number of users, pages they visit, etc. The data obtained is then used in a benchmark test formula that represents the users' perceptions of the site, and is later compared with the results of competitors.
Website benchmark testing can be also performed within a single website. Whenever you are planning to launch a new website or promote an existing one, you can use a testing tool such as Testing Master to discover your website's weaknesses and to determine where you can tune its performance. Benchmark testing with Testing Master doesn't require any expensive hardware or complex software and allows you to receive an immediate feedback when you modify your website.
You can download website benchmark testing tool here.
Click here to learn more about benchmark testing with Testing Master.
See also:
load testing
performance testing
website testing tool
automated testing tool
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